Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
104616 Journal of communication and computer 1548-7709 David publishing Company
5952 Journal of comparative and physiological psychology 0021-9940 American Psychological Association
79939 Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology
108781 Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983) 1939-2087
96686 Journal of complex manifolds
12413 Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience 1546-1955 American Scientific Publishers
858382 Journal of computational biology . a journal of computational molecular cell biology 1557-8666
125178 Journal of computational science 1877-7503 Elsevier
63141 Journal of computationnal acoustics
52527 Journal of computer science and network security
110352 Journal of computer systems, networks, and communications 1687-7381
60586 Journal of computer systems, networks, and communications
137936 Journal of computers
681743 Journal of condensed matter and nuclear science 2227-3123 The International Society for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ISCMNS)
174573 Journal of conflict and integration 2671-5937 Centre for Advanced Research in Integrated Future Society (CARIFS)
5970 Journal of consulting psychology 0095-8891 American Psychological Association (APA)
45602 Journal of contemporary European history
44660 Journal of contemporary Religion
69208 Journal of contemporary curatorship
109224 Journal of contemporary drama in English
5979 Journal of contemporary law 0097-9937 University of Utah College of Law
153116 Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society 1873-4995
176794 Journal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery . official publication of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 1878-4119
957080 Journal of critical reviews 2394-5125
174759 Journal of cultural linguistic and artistic studies 2625-8943 the democratic Arabic center
106486 Journal of current Surgery 1927-1928 elmerpress
5997 Journal of current social issues 0041-7211
104287 Journal of data and information quality ACM
21952 Journal of dental hygiene : JDH / American Dental Hygienists' Association 1043-254X
182602 Journal of dental research 1544-0591
21950 Journal of dental technology : the peer-reviewed publication of the National Association of Dental Laboratories 1088-3118
51076 Journal of derivatives & Hedge Funds
83035 Journal of development and economics policies
106833 Journal of diabetes research 2314-6753 Hindawi Publishing Coporation
39604 Journal of diabetes science and technology 1932-2968 Diabetes Technology Society
107397 Journal of e-Learning and Higher Education
126705 Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society —
113292 Journal of e-learning and Knowledge Society
46410 Journal of eHealth Technology and Application 1881-4581 Tokai University - National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
1412 Journal of eLiteracy 1745-4360 University of Glasgow
439710 Journal of eScience Librarianship 2161-3974
146099 Journal of earthquake engineering and structural dynamics
42833 Journal of economic Theory 66, ()
6036 Journal of ecumenical studies 0022-0558 Temple University
114055 Journal of education Mauritius Institute of Education
6042 Journal of education for social work 0022-0612 Council on Social Work Education
139935 Journal of educators, teachers and trainers Universidad de Granada
108475 Journal of elasticity and the physical science of solids
15387 Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry 0022-0728 Elsevier
149533 Journal of electrocardiology
15393 Journal of electron microscopy technique 0741-0581 John Wiley & Sons
134709 Journal of embryology and experimental morphology 0022-0752
158334 Journal of endocrinology 1479-6805
158340 Journal of endocrinology 1479-6805
35686 Journal of endotoxin research
15413 Journal of endovascular therapy 1526-6028 International Society of Endovascular Specialists
808427 Journal of endovascular therapy 1545-1550
374016 Journal of engineering research = Maǧallaẗ al-abḥāṯ al-handasiyyaẗ 2307-1877 Ǧāmi’aẗ al-Kuwayt Maǧlis al-našr al-ilmī - Kuwait University
181463 Journal of engineering tribology 1350-6501
343185 Journal of entomological Society of Iran
164616 Journal of environmental and occupational health 2684-3269 Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health
6080 Journal of environmental health 0022-0892 National Environmental Health Association
103390 Journal of environmental health science & engineering 2052-336X
495590 Journal of environmental treatment techniques 2309-1185 Dormaj
15439 Journal of epidemiology and biostatistics 1359-5229 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
15440 Journal of epilepsy 0896-6974 Elsevier
863947 Journal of evaluation in clinical practice 1365-2753
126265 Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research 1756-9966 BioMed Central
166523 Journal of experimental child psychology
101989 Journal of experimental neuroscience 1179-0695 Libertas Academica
179163 Journal of experimental orthopaedics
165941 Journal of experimental psychology. Animal learning and cognition 2329-8464
6102 Journal of experimental psychology. Human learning and memory 0096-1515 American Psychological Association (APA)
27191 Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Comparative experimental biology
143261 Journal of exposure science and environmental epidemiology
184442 Journal of extracellular vesicles Wiley
6111 Journal of family law / University of Louisville School of Law 0022-1066 University of Louisville
15479 Journal of fermentation and bioengineering 0922-338X Elsevier
144665 Journal of financial economics 0304-405X
6122 Journal of financial planning / the Institute of Certified Financial Planners 1040-3981 Institute of Certified Financial Planners
6126 Journal of fixed income 1059-8596 Institutional Investor Inc
126949 Journal of flow chemistry 2062-249X Akademiai Kiado
388983 Journal of food law policy 1942-9762 University of Arkansas
130222 Journal of food protection
102065 Journal of food science 1750-3841
141808 Journal of forensic and Legal medicine
120279 Journal of forest products and industries 2325-4513 Research Publisher, Inc
15506 Journal of free radicals in biology & medicine 0748-5514 Elsevier
54578 Journal of function spaces 2314-8896 Hindawi
182766 Journal of fungi (Basel, Switzerland)
167320 Journal of fuzzy extension and applications 2717-3453
167894 Journal of gambling studies
6136 Journal of garden history 0144-5170 Journal of Garden History
150034 Journal of gastrointestinal cancer 1941-6636
16579 Journal of general and applied microbiology 0022-1260 The Microbiology Research Foundation
39631 Journal of general management 0306-3070 Braybrook Press Ltd
6139 Journal of general microbiology 0022-1287 Society for General Microbiology, (Journal Sales)
25234 Journal of genetics
178651 Journal of genius and eminence 2334-1130 ICSC Press
159510 Journal of geriatric oncology
106058 Journal of governance and regulation 2220-9352 Virtus Interpress
20936 Journal of graphics tools 1086-7651 A.K. Peters, Ltd
39634 Journal of green building 1552-6100 College Publishing
88064 Journal of group dynamics
21932 Journal of halacha and contemporary society 0730-2614
182050 Journal of hazardous materials
6157 Journal of health and hospital law : a publication of the American Academy of Hospital Attorneys of the American Hospital Association 1046-4360 American Academy of Healthcare Attorneys
905413 Journal of health and social sciences - Journal HSS 2499-2240 Edizioni FerrariSinibaldi
6160 Journal of health care law & policy 1097-4768 University of Maryland School of Law
6161 Journal of health care marketing 0737-3252 American Marketing Association
6162 Journal of health education / Association for the Advancement of Health Education 1055-6699 American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
21928 Journal of healthcare information management : JHIM 1099-811X
21926 Journal of healthcare protection management : publication of the International Association for Hospital Security 0891-7930
122727 Journal of heat treatment and materials 1867-2493 Hanser
112376 Journal of helminthology 1475-2697
489180 Journal of hepatology 1600-0641
6169 Journal of herpetology 0022-1511 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
66175 Journal of history of science and technology
6172 Journal of home economics 0022-1570 American Home Economics Association
15576 Journal of hospital marketing 0883-7570 Haworth Press, Inc., The
21920 Journal of human ergology 0300-8134
135331 Journal of human hypertension
286634 Journal of human lactation : official journal of International Lactation Consultant Association
5274 Journal of human nutrition 0308-4329 John Libbey & Company Ltd
143970 Journal of humanitarian affairs Manchester University Press
100152 Journal of hypertension. Supplement : official journal of the International Society of Hypertension
129319 Journal of immunogenetics 0305-1811 Blackwell Scientific Publ.
397322 Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
15607 Journal of immunotherapy : official journal of the Society for Biological Therapy 1053-8550 Raven Press Publishers
15609 Journal of in Service Education 1367-4587 Taylor & Francis
14896 Journal of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer : IVF 0740-7769 Springer-Verlag
15615 Journal of industrial microbiology 0169-4146 Springer-Verlag
29979 Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology
55693 Journal of information
48180 Journal of information Management (정보관리연구)
69691 Journal of information assurance and security (JIAS)
104791 Journal of information assurance and security (JIAS) Dynamic Publishers Inc., USA
92252 Journal of information hiding and multimedia signal processing
702652 Journal of information policy 2381-5892 Institute for Information Policy
103374 Journal of information security and applications 2214-2126 Elsevier
101978 Journal of information security research 0976-4143
1453 Journal of informed pharmacotherapy 1492-2525 Journal of Informed Pharmacotherapy
62447 Journal of innovation economics De Boeck Supérieur
36148 Journal of insect science (Online)
21914 Journal of insurance medicine (New York, N.Y.) 0743-6661
59370 Journal of integrated design & process science
80472 Journal of intelligent data analysis
73928 Journal of intelligent service robotics. Special issue on marine robotics systems
104279 Journal of intelligent systems 2191-026X
88895 Journal of interdisciplinary history of ideas 2280-8574 GISI- Università di Torino
46459 Journal of interdisciplinary music studies 0306-2082 Gordon and Breach
35655 Journal of interferon & cytokine research : the official journal of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research
21910 Journal of internal medicine. Supplement 0955-7873
6205 Journal of international affairs 0022-197X Journal of International Affairs
718925 Journal of international relations and comparative culture
83815 Journal of internet technology (JIT)
107086 Journal of internet technology = Wǎngjì wǎnglù jìshù xuékān 1607-9264 Taiwan Academic Network Management Committee
136407 Journal of investigative medicine
104385 Journal of iranian archaeology 2008-6652 Šahrām Zāri
119454 Journal of jewish languages 2213-4387 Brill
74858 Journal of language relationship
78184 Journal of laser Micro/Nano Engineering
6242 Journal of law and health 1044-6419 Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
137199 Journal of law and human sciences economic studies
6239 Journal of law and policy 1074-0635 Brooklyn Law School
140435 Journal of legal affairs and dispute resolution in engineering and construction 1943-4162 ASCE Library
6256 Journal of leisure research 0022-2216 National Recreation and Park Association
21901 Journal of leukocyte biology. Supplement
6258 Journal of librarianship 0022-2232 Bailey Management Services
6264 Journal of library history (Tallahassee, Fla. : 1974) 0275-3650 School of Library Science, Florida State University
126573 Journal of library metadata 1938-6389 Taylor & Francis
91720 Journal of literature and art studies
112778 Journal of lithic studies 2055-0472 University of Edinburgh
116136 Journal of logic and computation
100576 Journal of macromolecular science -part C : polymer reviews
623480 Journal of magnetic resonance 1096-0856
154259 Journal of magnetic resonance analysis
937394 Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI
15720 Journal of magnetic resonance. Series A 1064-1858 Elsevier - Academic Press
15721 Journal of magnetic resonance. Series B 1064-1866 Elsevier - Academic Press
15725 Journal of mammalian ova research 1341-7738 BioOne(Japanese Society of Mammalian Ova Research)
176577 Journal of management analytics
142750 Journal of managerial sciences 1998-4642 Qurtuba University of Science & IT
6276 Journal of marine research 0022-2402 Yale University
307400 Journal of maritime research 1697-4040
151808 Journal of marketing & communication 0973-2330
43127 Journal of material research
101734 Journal of materials chemistry‎ B 2050-750X Royal Society of Chemistry
145086 Journal of media studies and popular culture = Revue d'études des médias et de culture populaire 1916-985X Université de Montréal Département d'histoire de l'art et d'études cinématographiques
21894 Journal of medical and dental sciences 1342-8810
179055 Journal of medical case reports
80802 Journal of medical cases
6292 Journal of medical education 0022-2577 Washington, Association of American Medical Colleges, Baltimore, Md., Waverly Press Inc
59771 Journal of medicinal plants research 1996-0875 Academic journals
21897 Journal of medicine 0025-7850
116111 Journal of mediterranean ecology
16588 Journal of mental health administration 0092-8623 Springer-Verlag
165689 Journal of mental health and substance abuse
86988 Journal of micro./Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS
100139 Journal of microbiology (Seoul, Korea)